Chin Kim Chung-Director Profile

Chin Kim Chung(陈金中)

Malaysian, Male, 59 years old

Chin Kim Chung (“Mr. Chin”) (男)(马来西亚人),59岁,为公司非独立非执行董事。陈先生于2012年9月24日受委任为董事会成员。

Mr. Chin is a member of the Audit Committee, Board Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company.

He is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, an Associate of the Malaysian Institute of Taxation, a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

陈先生于1992年在四大会计师事务所展开其审计专业职业生涯。2003年,他与伙伴共同创立了一家专业合伙公司,提供外部审计、清算和企业融资相关服务等专业服务。自2006年以来,他的公司以Russell Bedford LC & Company的名义执业。该公司是Russell Bedford International的成员,Russell Bedford International是一个由独立专业服务公司组成的全球网络。他担任Russell Bedford Malaysia的执行主席,参与公司的管理,并负责公司在外部审计、清算和企业咨询相关服务领域的专业服务。


Currently, Mr. Chin holds directorships in the Malaysian Chinese Women Entrepreneurs Foundation and several other private limited companies.