An icon of a sustainable and matured commercial business park, the strategically located Zone Innovation Park provides top-notch and ready infrastructure amidst lush greenery. It’ll change the way you do business.
A hybrid concept, more versatile options. Situated on prime freehold land, Zone Innovation Park offers limited units of hybrid shop lots which can be flexibly converted to multifunctional and practical layouts to suit a myriad of business operations.
Enjoy unparalleled visibility as the first commercial fronting the Shapadu Highway with direct access via several major highways. Zone Innovation Park ticks all your business operation checklist, be it for your own use or for investment purposes!
- 电子商务
- 汽车展厅
- 设计师时装店
- 出版社
- 包装/组装
- 物流/快递服务
- 电子/资讯科技
- 家居装修/室内设计装修
- 烘焙店/咖啡馆
- 运动/健身器材
- 分销中心
- 永久地契
- Strategic location with well connectivity
- 灵活实用的布局设计
- 适当的装卸区
- 宽阔的道路
- 充足的停车位
- 挑高天花板
- 宽敞的建筑面积